quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

Poetry is...

…the smile of a child.
…a lover’s laugh.
…a sad melody on a rainy Sunday.
…the benefit of doubt.
...lemonade without sugar.
…the cycles of life.
…to be left because of another person.
…to leave someone for another person.
…the smell of a new book.
…to watch your life in a film.
…four ears, one headphone.
…a full moon illuminating the sea.
…a naked body.
…a dead body.
…to do everything wrong and get things right in the end.
…a nightmare that becomes true.
…the death of a pet when you’re a child.
…a philosophical discussion inside a full bus.
…sexual tension.
…medicine for an incurable disease.
…to feel alone in the middle of a crowd.
…to feel glad with your own company when you’re all alone.
…glow-worms at a dark garden.
…the end of a story.
…the thrill of all first times.
…a terrible date with a great companion.
un coup de foudre.
…to give up and let go.
…a gift from a stranger.
…the suicide of a friend.
…to be afraid of what you know.
…organization within a chaotic mess.
…your favorite song.
…a dew drop on a flower petal.
…to see birds in the window.
…to kill and bury someone in your heart.
…a dozen of red roses.
…to fall in love with a film/book character.
...to fall in love with the right person.
…a promise that was broken.
…a painful truth.
…a sweet lie.
…to regret something you didn’t do.
…to look for yourself in other people.
…to find yourself in other people and disapprove it.
…to write a poem at 1:30 a.m..

That’s what poetry is to me.

Posted by Fernanda Pedrecal.

2 comentários:

  1. Not possible for me to be sure about what Poetry really is. What I know is that to write a poem one should leave the real world aside while trying to rewrite this very world.

    Sheila Alves

  2. I understand your point of view, Sheila, thanks for your comment! What I wrote was an attempt to say that I believe every experience can become a poem itself. Since poems are usually based in real and personal experiences, poetry could be found everywhere in our lives.

    I'm not sure about what poetry really is either, but that's one of the ways I chose to live poetry in my life... Like a state of mind. :)

    Fernanda Pedrecal
